Introduction: Just Line, Just Light!(Type1)

It is a work of expressing light on acrylic plates engraved with patterns of line art.It expresses colors and patterns of various LEDs harmoniously.This project was carried out with motifs from Arout Meijer's "Thanks for the Planets"from which two light colors are synthesized according to the spacing of lines and beautifully represented.

Step 1: Just Line! Just Light!(Type1)

It is a work of expressing light on acrylic plates engraved with patterns of line art.It expresses colors and patterns of various LEDs harmoniously.This project was carried out with motifs from Arout Meijer's "Thanks for the Planets" from which two light colors are synthesized according to the spacing of lines and beautifully represented.

Step 2: About Project (Type 1)

After engraving the pattern of line art on the acrylic plane, synthesize and permeate the light in the middle and outside of the acrylic


The user can adjust the light in a stable manner by installing the potentiometer inside the 3 original plates and holding the neophixels on the edge.

How to use

The user rotates three plates with a paddle to control the color of light (Hue) and the basic LEDs use the Hue, Saturation, and Brightness values to draw the audience's interest in pattern, color of light, and animation.

Step 3: Material(Hardware)

Step 4: Material(control)



2.10k Potentiometer

10k Potentiometer * 3

Step 5: Step3:Material(power)

Step 6: Step:Material(etc)

1.Paint spray(Matt Black)

*If you want to get a more dramatic effect in the dark, use Vanta Black Paint


3.Sten corner iron

4. Dril


6.Strong adhesion

*Prepare the tools according to your situation

Step 7: Before Draw Pattern

*The picture above is Arnout Meijer's "Thanks for the Planets" that inspired my work.

Before entering the project, I felt that the color of the gradation of light formed by the infusion of dim light into the pattern that was implanted in acrylic was very beautiful.

Basically, two or more colors have to overlap to become gradients.

In order for two or more colors to form beautifully, consider the density, angle, or degree of light forming according to the curve.

Step 8: Make a Hardware (Acrylic Cutting)

*Refer. STEP 7: Structure(part no.5)

Acrylic cutting machine setting


*Cutting - hairline setting

speed - power

(5 - 50)


speed - power

(20 - 35)

*You can adjust the extent to which the pattern is carved to suit your taste

Step 9: Make (structure)

1. 2t - cover

2. 10t - Control Handle

3. 10t - LEDstrip / Potensiometer

4. 12t - LED Strip (2 + 10)t

5. 10t - Pattern (Acrylic)

6. 2t - Background

7. 10t - Circuit space

*Except for no.5 - Formex material.

Step 10: Hardware and the Assembly of Software

First. Prepare

Second. Paste it in order of 7.6.4 parts with a strong adhesive.

Third. Fix the potentiometer 3part with glue gun.

Fourth. Attach 3part with potentiometer to 4.6.7part with strong adhesive.

Fifth. Attach ws2812b to the edge of area) using a strong adhesive.

Sixth .Insert the cut acrylic plate into the combined and fix it with glue gun.

Seventh. Insert 2part into the potentiometer's control part and fix it with glue glue.

Eighth. Cover part 1 and fix with strong adhesive finish.

* You can refer to PDFfiles


Step 11: Make a Hardware (Formex Cutting)

(Configure the hardware so that only patterns can be seen in the darkroom)

1. 2t - cover

2. 10t - Control Handle

3. 10t - LEDstrip / Potensiometer

4. 12t - LED Strip (2 + 10)t

6. 2t - Background

7. 10t - Circuit space

*You must refer to STEP7(image)

Step 12: Make a Hardware (Wood Cutting & Painting)

Step 13: * If You Want to Hang This Piece on the Wall, Make the Same Structure As the Picture

*This course is optional, and you can skip it if you don't want to.

*The structure above is my personal idea, and with your ideas added, it will be a more special work.

*And when I was building this structure, I didn't want to see the wood board and the wall.

Step 14: Make a Software ( a Circuit Diagram)

When constructing the circuit, carefully configure the GND / DIN / 5v of the ws2818b strip and the direction of the current flow (arrow direction).

GND = battery - (Black line)

5v = battery + (Red line)

DIN = Signal line (Green line)

Step 15: Hardware Combination & Back Panel Circuit Configuration

Join hardware and secure circuit with screws behind

Step 16: Enter Code Into Software(A-a Arduino Mega Board)

//You must input A-a arduino mega board<p>#include <ramp.h><br>#include <adafruit_neopixel.h>#define LED_PIN 0#define NUM_OF_LEDS 120</adafruit_neopixel.h></ramp.h></p><p>int j = 0;</p><p>Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_OF_LEDS, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);</p><p>//rampUnsignedChar RAMPh[NUM_OF_LEDS];rampUnsignedChar RAMPv[NUM_OF_LEDS];</p><p>void setup() {  // put your setup code here, to run once:  strip.begin();;</p><p>}</p><p>void loop() {  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:</p><p>  valueSet();  //LEDSet();</p><p>  for(int i=0; i<num_of_leds; i++){=""  ="" 현재="" 값을="" 얻습니다="" uint8_t="" h="RAMPh[i].update();" v="RAMPv[i].update();" strip.setpixelcolor(i,="" strip.colorhsv(j*65535="" 360,="" 230,="" v));="" }="";<="" p=""></num_of_leds;></p><p>}</p><p>void valueSet(){  static uint32_t oldTime = 0;  uint32_t nowTime = millis();</p><p>  // 00.3초에 한 번씩 코드를 실행합니다  if(nowTime - oldTime > 300) {    for(int i=0; i<num_of_leds; i++){=""  ="" 다음="" 값을="" 설정합니다="" 값,="" 값까지="" 걸리는="" 시간,="" 가는="" 방법))="" ramph[i].go(j,="" 300,="" linear);="" rampv[i].go(random(0,="" 100),="" }="" oldtime="nowTime;" j="j+5;" if(j="">=360){      j=0;    }  }  }</num_of_leds;></p><p><num_of_leds; i++){=""  ="" 다음="" 값을="" 설정합니다="" 값,="" 값까지="" 걸리는="" 시간,="" 가는="" 방법))="" ramph[i].go(j,="" 300,="" linear);="" rampv[i].go(random(0,="" 100),="" }="" oldtime="nowTime;" j="j+5;" if(j=""></num_of_leds;></p>

Step 17: Enter Code Into Software(B-b Arduino Mega Board)

//You must input B-b arduino mega board<br><p>#include <ramp.h><br>#include <adafruit_neopixel.h>#define LED_PIN_A 2#define LED_PIN_B 1#define LED_PIN_C 0#define NUM_OF_LEDS 52</adafruit_neopixel.h></ramp.h></p><p>#define POT_A A10#define POT_B A9#define POT_C A8</p><p>int j[3] = {0};</p><p>Adafruit_NeoPixel strip[3] = {  Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_OF_LEDS, LED_PIN_A, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800),  Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_OF_LEDS, LED_PIN_B, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800),  Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_OF_LEDS, LED_PIN_C, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800)};</p><p>rampUnsignedChar RAMPv[3][NUM_OF_LEDS];</p><p>void setup() {  // put your setup code here, to run once:  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {    strip[i].begin();    strip[i].show();  }</p><p>  Serial.begin(9600);</p><p>}</p><p>void loop() {  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:</p><p>  valueSet();</p><p>  // map() 범위를 바꿔주는 함수  // 0~1023을 0~359로 바꿔줌  //j = map(analogRead(POT_B),0,1023,0,359);  j[0] = map(analogRead(POT_A), 0, 1023, 0, 359);  j[1] = map(analogRead(POT_B), 0, 1023, 0, 359);  j[2] = map(analogRead(POT_C), 0, 1023, 0, 359);  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (j[i] < 0) j[i] += 360;</p><p>  for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {</p><p>    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LEDS; i++) {      // 현재 값을 얻습니다      uint8_t v = RAMPv[k][i].update();      strip[k].setPixelColor(i, strip[k].ColorHSV(j[k] * 65535 / 360, 255, v));</p><p>    }    strip[k].show();</p><p>  }}</p><p>void valueSet() {  static uint32_t oldTime = 0;  uint32_t nowTime = millis();</p><p>  // 00.3초에 한 번씩 코드를 실행합니다  if (nowTime - oldTime > 300) {    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LEDS; i++) {        // 다음 값을 설정합니다        // 다음 값, 다음 값까지 걸리는 시간, 가는 방법))        RAMPv[k][i].go(random(0, 255), 300, LINEAR);      }    }    oldTime = nowTime;</p><p>  }</p><p>}</p>

Step 18: Enjoy!

*Thank you for watching my project! your comment gave me strength*

Step 19: