Introduction: K'NEX Gun: Slinghammer (R1)

About: K'NEX gun builder here at Instructables. More or less retired from the community, but I still pop in now and again.
After seeing the K'NEX War 2013 Videos, I realized that many of my guns I thought I might like to take to a K'NEX war would be rather inadequate. My RBLTR, RLSW, RoF, and my K'NEX 40mm Systemmight (and I say this with much doubt) do well in an indoor CQC K'NEX war, but would never work well out side. Once this was realized, I thought it might be nice to try my hand at a performance K'NEX gun.

This gun, the "Slinghammer," was the product of that realization. With ranges exceeding 80 ft., the ability to shoot anything from oodammo rounds to a NERF bullet, and the detachable / adjustable stock, this gun is quite efficient. To see the first version, click here.

  • Great range: 80 ft. +
  • Sturdy
  • Adjustable / removable stock
  • Attachable bi-pod
  • Comfortable fore-grip
  • Shoots all types of ammo: Oodammo, K'NEX wheels, rubber bands, NERF bullets
  • No broken pieces (except for the "stock lock)
  • Accurate up to 70 ft.
  • Easy to use (my youngest sibling can operate this thing without help)