Introduction: Kit to Soap Bubbles From Recycled Water Bottles
This Instructable will show you how to craft kit to soap bubbles , from used Water Bottles.
Step 1: What We Will Need.
Empty water bottle(1-1,5 lt. for adultsfor ,0,5 lt. for children),scissors,blade.
Step 2: Cat the Bottle.
Cut the top and bottom part of the bottle.
Step 3: Bottom Part.
Bottom part, is container, for a soap bubble solution.
Step 4: Top Part.
We will blow,at the top of the bottle.
Remove a small portion of it, to adjust around the mouth.
Remove a small portion of it, to adjust around the mouth.
Step 5: Finished!
Dip neck in a solution.Pull it.Blow easily.
We have a great soap bubbles!
We have a great soap bubbles!
Step 6: Video
Kit to soap bubbles from Recycled Water Bottles Step