Introduction: Kite

About: blank for now

this is how I made this kite


supplies include:



*paper x 2,



thin, hard thing,



Step 1: Cut

cut two pieces of paper

Step 2: Trim

Stack paper and cut edges so they are the same (one side should be longer than the other) P.s. keep scraps if not using wood/stick.

Step 3: Arrange

line up triangles.

Step 4: Tape

tape together.

Step 5: Trim

line pieces up and trim edges to match.

Step 6: To Continue

If using sticks continue to step#14 skip steps#14 to#23 To not use sticks go to step#14 and continue

Step 7: Meashure and Add

with wood/sticks place corner to corner longways, with 1/2 in on ends and glue.

Step 8: Wait

wait for glue to dry.

Step 9: Meashure Twice

place wood /stick next to the center stick, lining up the stick with the corners, and mark 1/2 in off corner.

Step 10: Repeat

repeat step#9 on other side.

Step 11: Cut

trim wood/stick on the lines and 1/4 down make a circular notch.

Step 12: Glue

notch out glue connecting end to middle of stick in center do not forget to glue to stick in center.

Step 13: Wait

wait for glue to dry.

Step 14: Drill

drill holes in wood

Step 15: Craft

use scraps from step#2 to make 8 1 in long peces

Step 16: Tape

Tape the edge of the kite leaving some space on the corners.

Step 17: Tape

take two of the scrap pieces and tape together so the whole thing is covered in tape Repeat four times.

Step 18: Tape

take one piece of stuff made in step 16 and tape it's ends together repeat four times

Step 19: Tape

tape over paper of things made in step#17

Step 20: Insert and Tape

insert things made in step#18 into kite on corners and tape over the seal

Step 21: Tape

tape over top of all things inserted on step#19 and cut tape to show holes.

Step 22: String

string thread through all ends and tie off

Step 23: Meashure and Tie

measure four about 1 Ft long pieces of string and tie one end of the string. trim if necessary

Step 24: Tie

tie one string end to each corner.

Step 25: Tie

tie string onto middle but leave on the spool.

Step 26: Done

ready to fly!