Introduction: Kitty and Lion Face Designs - Book Corners for Kids

About: Creativity is my strength. Creativity is my weakness. Creativity is everything in between.

My friend just introduced to me to this wonderful craft website. Everything here is so amazing. I'm super thrilled. I just couldn't wait this weekend to throw in some of my artsy side. Here you go!

What is a Bookmark?

A bookmark is a strip of leather, cardboard, or other material used to mark one's place in a book.

What is a Book corner and how to use it? (My own creativity)

A book corner is very similar to a bookmark and in addition has the following benefits.

1) Could be used a a book mark to fit onto the page you want to place at

2) Could also be used to put together a bunch of pages which were read recently

3) Possibly be used for the next few pages to be read

4) Could be used on any of the 4 corners of a book

5) Is fun and appealing to see when reading

6) Could be explored to have any other designs as fruits, arts, photos etc.

Lets go further on exploring this cool-and-creative craft. Are you with me?


Red Felt Sheet (5 inches x 5 inches)

White Felt Sheet (5 inches x 5 inches)

Red Yarn - 12 inches

White Yarn - 12 inches

Yarn Needle



Black Permanent Marker

Book for sampling (I choose my fav Harry Potter)

Step 1: Cut the Squares & Triangles

In this step, I first cute a white and red square 4 inches x 4 inches. Then, cut it into 2 triangles each.

Step 2: Drawing the Kitty Face - Front & Back

In this step, I took the black permanent marker and step-by-step drew the cute little cat (or kitty) face on the front side. Then, I also traced it on the back side.

Step 3: Drawing the Lion Face - Front & Back

In this step, I carefully drew the lion's face step-by-step with the black permanent marker. Traced on the back side as well.

Step 4: Cut the Cute Kitty and Lion Faces

In this step, I cut the

Step 5: Sewing the Kitty Face Book Corner

Here, I put together the two triangular pieces together and worked on a running stitch on one of the sides with the red yarn. Then, I inserted the kitty face felt design on top and completed the running stitch. Flipping on the reverse side also shows the Kitty face.

Step 6: Sewing the Lion Face Book Corner

Here, I put together the two triangular pieces together and worked on a running stitch on one of the sides with the white yarn. Then, I inserted the lion's face felt design on top and completed the running stitch. Flipping on the reverse side shows the lion's face.

Step 7: How to Use the Book Corner?

This could. be used on a bunch of pages and on any of the corners!