Introduction: Knex Ball Machine Element Infinity Switch

About: You can find me over on Knexflux!

Hi everyone,
this is a switch designd by yardking. Because his is just for golf balls I post here my version for knex balls. It works with modules. You'll have so many paths as you have modules plus one. Have fun with building it up and thanks again to yardking.

(Hope everything is spelled correctly, i'm German)

Step 1-8 are building the modules
Step 9 is building the modules together
Step 10 is building the hed
Step 11 is building the tail

Step 1: Back Frame

Step 2: Front Frame

Step 3: Rod of Mechamism

Step 4: Back Frame + Rod

Step 5: Back Frame + Mechamism

Step 6: Adding the Front Frame

Step 7: Connecting Rod

Step 8: Lower Frame

This module is finished. if it doesn't work corectly you have to move the two white rods in ore out.

Step 9: Putting the Modules Together

Put the modules like this together.

Step 10: Head

Step 11: Tail

Step 12: Finishing Statment

You've just build a new kind of switch!
If you have any problems be free to ask.