Introduction: Knex Catapult
Knex catupult
Step 1: Parts
4= yellow halves
2 tiny green rods
4= blue rods
2=orange connectors
1= snow flake with a cut inside
2=white tips a.k.a. tips
1=red rod
1= rubber band
2 tiny green rods
4= blue rods
2=orange connectors
1= snow flake with a cut inside
2=white tips a.k.a. tips
1=red rod
1= rubber band
Step 2: 1st Section
follow pics comment if you have problen
Step 3: 2nd Section
follow pics comment if you have problems
Step 4: 3rd Section
follow pics comment if you have problems
Step 5: Add On
add red rod to 1st section on middle half comment if you have problem follow pic
Step 6: Attaching
add section 2 to 1 on other yellow halves comment if you have problem follow pics
Step 7: Attaching
Step 8: Rubber Band
add rubber band to two tips that are on section 3 mine is broken so dont worry comment if you have problem
Step 9: Firing
slide last halve down the red rod and agianst the rubber band and re lease hope you like it