Introduction: Knex Catapult-Gun Hybrid
This is a knex gun that uses a firing mechanism that is similar to a catapult. It is pretty small, can fire any length rod, and has a true trigger. The actual power comes from pulling the trigger, not from a rubber band, so the distance it shoots depends on how hard you pull the trigger. This also makes it so don't need to cock it back each time you shoot.
Any comments or constructive criticism (even negative) are appreciated. And please rate it if you like it. Thanks.
Any comments or constructive criticism (even negative) are appreciated. And please rate it if you like it. Thanks.
Step 1: Body and Handle
Just follow the pictures... Not too complicated.
Step 2: Top Part
This is the part attatched to the trigger that pulls the catapult arm. The last three pictures show how it is attatched to the body.
Step 3: The Arm
This is the part that flings the ammo rods into the air. A little more complicated, but you should be able to get it through the pictures.
Pics 1-3: Show the whole arm from different angles
Pics 4-5: Show two different parts of the arm
Pic 6: Shows how to put the two pieces of the arm together
Pics 7-10: Show how to attach it to the body
Pics 1-3: Show the whole arm from different angles
Pics 4-5: Show two different parts of the arm
Pic 6: Shows how to put the two pieces of the arm together
Pics 7-10: Show how to attach it to the body
Step 4: Rubber Band and Operation
Put the rubber band that keeps the arm back in the following spots. To fire, just stick any size rod in the orange connectors' hole on the arm and then pull the trigger. I've found that blue rods work best as ammo.