Introduction: K'nex SCAR-L

About: Hey there. I won't add too much info here, as it'll show up as one big paragraph. I'm not super active anymore, on here.
Hello fellow knexers. This slideshow is about the SCAR-L I finished yesterday. It has some attachments and features:
- Same size as the real SCAR-L
- Movable charging handle
- Movable trigger
- Removable magazines
- Some attachments (scope, red dot sight, carrying handle, small magazine)
- (The small mag is just because I had not enough    yellows for a second full sized mag)
- You can put rails on the bottom and top, I ran out of yellow connectors, so I don't have them

Tell me what you think, and please comment and rate!

**credits for the scope and carrying handle go to Rec0n for his M107 V3.5**