Introduction: Knight Hoodie
Here is an easy way to make a cool Knight Costume for the boy in your life!
Step 1: Materials
Gray hoodie
Gray felt
Black thread
Mask pattern (Free download)
Helmet visor pattern (Free download)
Shoulder armor pattern (Free download)
Gray felt
Black thread
Mask pattern (Free download)
Helmet visor pattern (Free download)
Shoulder armor pattern (Free download)
Step 2: Step 1
Cut out the mask pattern and trace the outline of the it onto your felt on the fold. Cut out the pattern out of the felt.
Step 3: Step 2
Use your pattern to trace the holes onto one side of the mask. Flip the pattern over to the other side and trace the holes. Cut out the holes (I used a sharp scissors). Sew zig-zag details on to the mask to give it dimension. (not pictured- use your button hole attachment on your sewing machine to add a button hole to each side of the mask)
Step 4: Step 3
Mark of each side of the hood were you want your button to go to attach the mask. Sew on the buttons. Cut out the helmet rim pattern. Trace the pattern on the fold of the felt and cut it out. Add zig-zag stitching around the outside edge to give it dimension. Attach it to the top of the hood lining up the ends with the buttons.
Step 5: Step 4
Cut out the shoulder armor pattern and trace it on the fold of your felt. Line up the middle of the shoulder armor with the seam of the shoulder of the hoodie and pin in place. Sew on to the shoulder using a zig-zag stitch. I used 2 lines.
Step 6: Finished
You should be finished! :) For more tutorials check out Fireflies and Jellybeans!