Introduction: Kubo and the Two Strings - the Sisters
I love animation and when I saw Kubo and the Two Strings I felt completely in love with it. It's just awesome. And the two sisters? Well, you can tell how much I liked them because I made the cosplay ;)
You can contact me through my cosplay page in case you want to see more pictures or just to chat with me:
Step 1: The Mask
The first thing I made was the mask. I used plater bandages to take a mold of my face, then I started adding things on top of it to modify the features. For that I used thick eva foam and a clay called "funny gummy" tough is not really a clay it's very light and the texture, once dry, it's similar to eva foam. However I didn't had a good experience with it. It takes a reaaaaally long time to dry completely and apparently I didn't wait enough so it caused wrinkles on the mask once it was finished and I had to sand it and repaint it T.T To sum up: use another clay.
Once you have the features it's time to put filler and sand till it's smooth. And finally the fun part: painting. I used white spray, acrylic painting and tea. Yep, tea; as you can see in the pictures it adds a nice tone.
I applied a bit of varnish in the end :)
Step 2: Hat
The hat was easier than I thought! I found a rug that was perfect and added the head part that I made out of a beach mat (not sure if that's the name, ask me if you don't know what I'm taking about). I then applied tons of latex (to harden it) and painted it.
Step 3: Chestplate
This is easy: you just need the pattern and eva foam. I added the details with thin foam. If you don't know how to make the patter ask me!
Step 4: The Cape
Be ready to cry A LOT. I cut, primed, painted and glued around 400 hundred eva foam feathers.
Step 5: Pants
I'm sorry I don't have many pictures of how I made the pants :( I used the pattern of a pair of pants that had wide legs and then pleated it. I found a pattern online though it's in Spanish: (it's the last one)
Step 6: Claw and Pick
I made the claw with paper clay, also bad idea. It's really fragile. I think it's better to make a wire skeleton and then using a different clay.
The pick it's eva foam with filler. Both things are connected through a chain: I used a plastic one because at conventions they're strict about things that could be used as weapons (at least where I live).
Step 7: Wig
The wig is a black, long one I had at home. I combed it and made a ponytail. The bottom part of the ponytail is glued so it doesn't tangle with the feathers.