Introduction: LEGO Home/Decoration Hidden Conpartment
Do you ever have something to hide?Simply follow the instructions and here’s your solution!
A lot of blocks that equal 2 by 4
2 bases as big as you want
A door
Door frame
2 bases as big as you want
A door
Door frame
Step 1: Starting the House
Start putting your 2 by 4 blocks on one one of your blocks!
Step 2: On Comes the Door
On your second row, make sure you leave just the wright length to snap that door in place!
Step 3: Almost There
Continue step 1 and stop when you like the size of the house!
Step 4: The Final Thing
The house won’t be a hidden Conpartment if it doesn’t have a roof! Take that second base and use it as a roof!
Step 5: Decoration
Add some people and decoration so it will blend in!
Step 6: NOTE
Make sure the roof can be opened so you can anything in it!