Introduction: LEGO: Tractor and Trailer

Build a simple tractor and trailer.


Any colour Lego will do.

Step 1: Build the Tractor: Gather the Pieces

1 - 4x4 plate

1 - 2x6 plate

2 - 2x4 bricks

2 - 2x2 bricks

2 pairs of 2x2 wheels

1 seat

1 hitch

Step 2: The Wheels and Base

Put one 2x2 brick on each wheel set.

Use the wheels to attach the hitch to the 2x6 plate.

Step 3: Build the Tractor

Add 2 - 2x4s on top of the front wheels.

Add the 4x4 plate on top of the back wheels.

Place the seat in the centre of the 4x4 plate.

Step 4: Build the Trailer: Gather the Pieces

12 - 1x2 bricks

2 - 2x2 bricks

1 - 4x10 plate

1 - 2x6 plate

2 sets of 2x2 wheels

1 hitch

1 - 2x2 plate

Step 5: Build the Trailer Wall

Line the 4x10 plate with the 1x2 bricks.

Step 6: Prepare the Chassis

Add the hitch, 2x6 plate and 2x2 plate across the bottom of the base.

Step 7: Prepare the Wheels

Add the 2x2 bricks to each of wheel sets.

Step 8: Put It Together

Add the sets of wheels to either end of the trailer. You're done!