Introduction: LM350 Power Supply

About: Our circuits are designed in the Philippines and tested in Australia.

This is a simple LM350 voltage regulator power supply. LM350 is a simple-to-implement high-power voltage regulator that can be used to drive light bulbs, motors and most of all provide variable voltage power output.

This is not a switching power supply that is more efficient and dissipates less power. However, switching power supplies are harder to implement.


Items: LM350 voltage regulator, heat sink, heat transfer paste, other components (refer to datasheets) , solder, bolts, nuts, washers.

Optional items: matrix board.

Tools: soldering iron, screw driver.

Optional tools: multi-meter.

Step 1: Design the Circuit

Designing the circuit is not required.

You can simple refer to the LM350 datasheets.

The component heat dissipation model will help you choose the heat sink. More information is in this link:

Step 2: Build the Circuit

I made my power supply with used components.

Both capacitors are electrolytic capacitors.

Step 3: Encasement

The photos show the encasement.

I used a black plastic box. The optional LED circuit also has a 1 kohm resistor connected in series with the LED to limit that maximum LED current. Typical LED current should not exceed about 15 mA. Typical LED voltage is 2 V.

Step 4: Wiring

I did not use professional wiring. Those type of power supply must be constructed with a larger encasement.

Step 5: Testing

Testing show the power supply working.