Introduction: Large Plywood Outdoor Sign Laser Engraved

About: Manufacturing Engineer with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, love doing projects on the side, have a laser engraver, 3d printer, and cricut along with standard wood working tools.

I was requested to design and make an outdoor sign. With the words "Death Row" and ducks and geese in the background for a place to pose in front of to display harvest picks on hunting property.



  • Plywood 3/4" - I had a sanded 2x8 piece left over from a previous project, but ended up cutting it down to 54 inches
  • Stain
  • Spar Urethane
  • Paper


  • Circular Saw
  • Palm Sander
  • Laser Engraver
  • Paper Cutter (Cricut)
  • Computer
  • Clamps

Step 1: Design

I used Cricut Design space to create the design. Searched the font and images on common use websites.

Step 2: Cut Board

Cut board to desired dimensions with circular saw

Step 3: Cut Template

Cut out template with the Cricut out of paper and layout in desired positions. This is needed because my laser engraver is not large enough

Step 4: Laser Engrave

Setup and run an outline of the template to be sure it will place engraving in desired location. Remove paper template. Clamp down and run program. (Wait.. my laser took ~26 hours to do the largest letters, I only ran it at 8%power so could've tweaked the settings to go faster, but at this time I did not)

Step 5: Prepare Board

Remove any of the smoke marks around the letters with the palm sander, this can be helped with fans on the laser engraver, but probably not eliminated.

Step 6: Apply Stain and Coatings

Apply stain and coatings per recommendations on the cans

Step 7: Enjoy