Introduction: Lego Automatic Rubber Band Gun
The quality of the photos and instructions arent the best because this is my first instructable :). This is a fully functional automatic rubber band gun. Though the trigger is just for show using the knob and turning it makes it a semi automatic rubber band gun. You do not have to use my colors but i used them because i dont have the correct colors to make it look nice. if you find ways to improve it please comment on how i can improve it
Step 1: Handle
Take these bricks to make the handle the handle can the improved and modified to be more comfortable. i forgot to do this in the photo but you have to take away the two 2x1 pieces that are on the top
Step 2: Barrel
These are for the shape of the barrel, the 4x6 flat is underneath
Step 3: Barrel
this is what will hold the rubber bands
Step 4: Barrel
these are for under the 1x16 forgot to take a photo
Step 5: Barrel
these are to keep the rubber bands from being stuck, if at the end the whell doesnt fit take out the pieces for the wheels are more important
Step 6: Barrel
this is for the fake trigger
Step 7: Mechanism
Step 8: Fake Trigger
This is the fake trigger
Step 9: Mechanism
Step 10: Mechanism
make sure they interlock well
Step 11: Finish and Shoot
turn the knob clock wise to shoot and anticlockwise to reload