Introduction: Letter Embossing Plates - Metal & Plastic

About: I enjoy everything

Letter Embossing Plates - metal & plastic

Needing to improve the presentation of my sketch books, documents and my artwork. I thought it would be nice to have a watermark made from an embossing plate.

I made two sizes using different plate material.

·    Aluminum plate

·    Plastic hotel key card plate

Using some basic tools along with some jewelry tools these plates can be made.

I hope that some of my suggestions will direct someone on the path of making their own.

In the process of this instructable - I made several test plates with different letter sizes, styles and spacing. 

What I am presenting is what work the best for me.



  • Stick glue (for adhering paper to the plate)
  • Plastic - gift cards, key cards (approximately thickness 1 mm --- 2 inch by 3.25 inch)
  • Please note: I have a friend that travels a lot and provide me with their old plastic
  • Aluminum - Trim coil used for house siding (thickness - nominal 0.022 or 0.024 inch)
  • 80 pound paper 8.5 by 11 inch

Step 1: TOOLS


  • Embossing tools - various sizes - I used 1 mm
  • Drawing tools
  • Metal ruler - corked backed
  • pencil
  • Scissors
  • Cutting pad
  • Jewelers saw 2 inch and 4 inch deep
  • #3 42 TPI saw blade
  • Saw wax - for helping the cutting action of saw blade
  • Bench wood V block and C clamp (looks like a fish head)
  • 4 medium spring clamps
  • clean water and brush
  • Scissors
  • Razor craft knife
  • Isopropyl alcohol - to clean off glue
  • Deburr tool - yellow
  • sheet metal shears
  • small metal flat pliers
  • Dremel drill in drill press mount
  • Drills 1/16 inch

Step 2: Lettering Template

Step 3: Make Metal Embossing Plate

Make Metal Embossing Plate

  • Use computer to size and print out lettering template then cut out lettering in a group
  • Cut the plate using shears I used 1.5 inch by 5 inch Aluminum - Trim coil used for house siding (thickness - nominal 0.022 or 0.024 inch)
  • use deburring tool to take off the burrs on the edge
  • use stick glue to adhere letters to plate
  • use clamps to hold on till dry
  • use 1/16 drill bit drill holes in each letter for saw blades
  • put blades thru letter holes
  • saw out letters on wood block
  • remove paper from plate
  • use cleaner to remove glue residue

Step 4: Use Metal Embossing Plate

The embossing plate is used on the front facing surface and the embossing tools are used on the back of the paper to push the paper in the lettering openings.

This will produce a raised surface

My goal is to have the water mark on the lower right hand corner of the paper

  • Using 80 pound paper
  • flipped embossing plate over
  • put paper over the top of plate upside down plate
  • using embossing tools lightly push paper thru the holes (gently)
  • I repeat this step 2 to 3 times to get the desired raised surface

Please note it took me approximately 4 attempts to learn the proper pressure and locating the letters.

also note some one had suggested that you need to wet the paper to help with the raising of paper. I did not have any luck doing this.

Step 5: Make Plastic Embossing Plate

Make Plastic Embossing Plate

  • Use computer to size and print out lettering template then cut out lettering in a group
  • Used the plastic cards as found
  • use stick glue to adhere letters to plate
  • use clamps to hold on till dry
  • use 1/16 drill bit drill holes in each letter for saw blades
  • put blades thru letter holes
  • saw out letters on wood block
  • remove paper from plate
  • use cleaner to remove glue residue

Step 6: Use Plastic Embossing Plate

The embossing plate is used on the front facing surface and the embossing tools are used on the back of the paper to push the paper in the lettering openings.

This will produce a raised surface

My goal is to have the water mark on the lower right hand corner of the paper

  • Using 80 pound paper
  • flipped embossing plate over
  • put paper over the top of plate upside down plate
  • using embossing tools lightly push paper thru the holes (gently)
  • I repeat this step 2 to 3 times to get the desired raised surface

Please note it took me approximately 4 attempts to learn the proper pressure and locating the letters.

Also note some one had suggested that you need to wet the paper to help with the raising of paper. I did not have any luck doing this.

Step 7: Thank You for Viewing My Instructable

Thank You so much For Viewing My Instructable

Step 8: Using to Small of Letter Font

My first attempt I used to small of a lettering font,

I went thru the complete plate process

I could not raise a good watermark

this is just to say, if you do not succeed the first time, try try again

If you have any suggestions to improve or change my approach, please just let me know.
