Introduction: Linkit One Wireless Switch

About: Hi, my name is Nikodem Bartnik. I'm 19 years old. I am into designing, making, programming and electronics. In the future, I want to start a company and make my own products. As for now, you can find my work o…

Wireless switch is easy way to make your home "smarter". It can be used to control light, machines, heating etc.

It require few parts to make and it's easy to control with android app that I made. And of course you can use it only when you connect to the same wifi as linkit one but also (if setup port forwarding) from all over the world.

Step 1: Parts

1. You will need LinkIt one this is arduino comptible board with 260 MHz clock, WI-FI, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, GSM, microSD card reader and audio jack. Also USB cabel to connect it to computer.

2. Single relay (I used double because I have it)

3. Cable with socket and plug

4. Tablet or phone with android

Step 2: Connection

Connect wifi antenna to linkit one and relay:

relay 5V to linkit one 5V

relay GND to linkit one GND

relay IN1 to linkito one pin 2

Step 3: Application

This is very simple app that send HTTP request to board, receive on or off and shows it as switch. Only one think you need to do is to give your linkit one IP to app in settings. eg. (it can also be external IP).

Below you will find apk file to instal it on your android device or if you like to see how it's made and edit it you will find .zip with app project.

Step 4: How to Install This App

Instruction how to install app:

1. the first step is download linkit one wireless switch.apk file

2.Send apk file to your phone

3.Open file manager and find linkit one wireless switch.apk file

4.Click on it and click install (if you have enabled the option to install applications outside the google play you need to turn it on)

5.You have finished the installation, you can run the application

Step 5: Arduino Code

This is just edited wifiWebServer example for linkit one. If you have any questions leave a comment and I will help you.

Step 6: Conclusion

On the images above you can see how it works. Thanks for reading!