Introduction: Lotr Celebrimor Hammer

About: I make ggeky things from comics, video games, tv-series, Movies and book Hope ya enjoy
After a long time here's another tutorial
The hammer of celebrimor from middleearth: shadow of mordor!

Step 1: Materials and Tools

Ya need
-Concept paper, a pen
-pens ya don't need anymore
-silver Paint

Step 2: Concept

Draw on the hammer on your Concept paper, Cut it out and draw it on your carboard two times

Step 3: Cut Out and Edges

Cut the hammer out
At the edges don't Cut the whole Way thrugh
So you can fold it easily

Step 4: The Pens

Just glue in pens so your hammer is very stabile
Than glue the edges together

Step 5: Sand and Paint

Now Sand the whole thing and Paint it silver