Introduction: Lotr Celebrimor Hammer
After a long time here's another tutorial
The hammer of celebrimor from middleearth: shadow of mordor!
The hammer of celebrimor from middleearth: shadow of mordor!
Step 1: Materials and Tools
Ya need
-Concept paper, a pen
-pens ya don't need anymore
-silver Paint
-Concept paper, a pen
-pens ya don't need anymore
-silver Paint
Step 2: Concept
Draw on the hammer on your Concept paper, Cut it out and draw it on your carboard two times
Step 3: Cut Out and Edges
Cut the hammer out
At the edges don't Cut the whole Way thrugh
So you can fold it easily
At the edges don't Cut the whole Way thrugh
So you can fold it easily
Step 4: The Pens
Just glue in pens so your hammer is very stabile
Than glue the edges together
Than glue the edges together
Step 5: Sand and Paint
Now Sand the whole thing and Paint it silver