Introduction: MANIKIN HEAD
When was the last time you needed a manikin head? Probably yesterday. Here's your fix! We used Autodesk's 123D Make to turn a solid CAD model into cross-sectional lines for the DIWire to bend. For our joinery, we used some 3D printed clips to assemble the sections into a functional volume. Scroll through our instructable and try it for yourself. Bend and assemble a manikin head at home or create your own cross-sectional Bendable and share it with us!
Step 1: Gather the Necessary Materials and Tools
Step 2: Start With a Solid Model in 123D Make
Step 3: Slice
Use "Interlocked Slices" to split your volume into the sections you'd like.
Step 4: Export
Select "Get Plans" and save them as a DXF.