Introduction: MPU 6050 With 3d Processing

IMU sensors like the MPU 6050 are used in self-balancing robots, UAVs, smartphones, and more. IMU sensors help us get the position of an object attached to the sensor in three-dimensional space. These values are usually in angles to help us to determine its position. They are used to detect the orientation of smartphones, or in wearable gadgets like the Fitbit, which uses IMU sensors to track movement.

IMU sensors have a wide range of applications, and are even considered to be an inexorable component in quadcopters. Some of the sensors I was able to get my hands on were ...

  • ADXL 345 accelerometer
  • ITG 3200 gyroscope
  • Sparkfun 6 DOF IMU sensor board
  • MPU 6050


Step 1:


Step 2:

Step 3:

Arduino Serial monitor