Introduction: Macbook Docking Station
With the purchase of every Macbook pro there is a cardboard box that is immediately thrown away. Instead of throwing it away you can use it to build a laptop stand/charging point for your Macbook and your Iphone.
Step 1: What Do You Need
1. Sharp Knife
2. Doublesided tape or glue
3. Empty ballpoint
4. Ruler
5. Triangle Ruler
6. Pencil
Step 2: Dismantle the Box
1. Open the box
2. Remove the foam from the lid of the box
3. Remove the black, plastic piece from the inside of the box
4. Start taking apart the whole box
Step 3: Marking and Cutting
1. Use your pencil and rulers to define the new dimensions of the box
2. Take your knife and cut along all the straight lines
3. Take the empty ballpoint and make an indentation along the backside of each fold marked with a dotted line
Step 4: Glueing
1. Take your tape or glue and assemble the box.
Step 5: Final Result
1. Make some small holes in the top of the box for your smartphone/external harddrive