Introduction: Mager Feeder
This is a guide on how to make the MagerFeeder project, which is a pet feeder that has a scheduling feature which allows it to be automatic and also a manual mode where the user sends a command through a bot to activate the device. Other features the device have includes, an ESP32-CAM module which is able to send the picture it takes to the user through the Telegram App, this allows the user to monitor the device and also their pet. A buzzer is also available as an indication that the device has been activated with a LED light that shows the device is on. Changin the setting of the device can be done using 4 buttons available at the top of the device, with a LCD screen for it's visual interface.
This project was made by BINUS UNIVERSITY Students:
- Billie Christianto - 2301855551
- Natario Thomas - 2301850065
- Febrioza Kevin Pratama - 2301872495
- Arduino UNO
- Breadboard
- LCD 16x2
- Push Button (x4)
- Motor Servo SG90
- RTC DS1307
- FTDI Programmer
- PIR Sensor
- Buzzer
- Jumper Wire
- PVC Pipe
- Plastic Container
- Case
Step 1: Setting Up the Components
The above picture is the schematic for the Mager Feeder project
Step 2: Making the PCB
The above pictures contain the PCB layout for components such as the LCD, Push Button, RTC, Buzzer, and Resistor
Step 3: Making the Bot
- Login into a Telegram account and search the "BotFather" account as shown in the first picture
- Send these messages:
- /newbot = Command to create a new bot
- BotFather will ask a name for the bot that you want to create
- Here, we will type "MagerFeeder" as our bot name
- You will then be asked to make a username for the bot. Make sure that the username is unique, here we will use "Project789_bot" as the username
- BotFather will send the bot token to be used in the next step
- Copy the bot token that you recevied as shown in the second picture and paste it in line 17 of the ESP32-CAM code
- Go back to Telegram and search an account with the name of "get id bot" as shown in the third picture
- Send the command "/my_id" and wait for it to response. Copy your Chat ID and paste it into line 16 of the ESP32-CAM code
Step 4: Writing the Code
- 1. Arduino UNO Code
The first file contains the code for the Arduino - 2. ESP32-CAM Code
The second file contains the code for the ESP32-CAM
Libraries Needed:
- Arduino UNO
- Wire.h
Link: - LiquidCrystal_I2C.h
Link: - Servo.h
Link: - RTClib.h
- Wire.h
- Universal Telegram Bot
Link: - Arduino JSON
- Universal Telegram Bot
Step 5: Assembling the Device
- Prepare all the needed tools and materials
- Make a hole in the middle of the casing for the PVC pipe which will serve as our food track
- Make a hole at the top of the case for wiring, motor servo, and also to connect the container to the PVC pipe
- Make a hole at the bottom of the container for the motor servo and also where the food will go through
- Connect the food container with the top of the case using the body of the motor servo at the bottom side and the propeller at the top side
- Make a pole / pillar to place the ESP32-CAM above the device
- Place the ESP32-CAM at the pillar and position it so the camera is facing the food container
- Place the assembled arduino according to the schematic into the case
- Make a hole at the back side of the case to connect the arduino cable
- Place the PCB at the front end of the top of the case
- Assemble the case
- Fill the container with pet food
Step 6: How It Works
Video on How to Use the Device: