Introduction: Magnetic Fridge RGB LED Frame

About: IT Teacher (Andalucía, Spain)

With this project your photos, fridge magnets or whatever you want can shining on your fridge in the darkness.

It is a very easy DIY and not expensive project it likes very much to my sons so I want to share with you.

I hope you like it.


  • Two terminals 5 mm RGB color changing LEDs
  • Metal rods (2 mm diameter)
  • Piece of wood cilinder (30 mm diameter) (30 mm height)
  • 3V 150 mAh lipo battery with JST 2mm male connector (with built in over-discharge protection voltage)
  • Little switch
  • Adhesive circular magnets (30 mm diameter)
  • Insulated tape
  • Female JST 2 mm connectors
  • USB to JST 2mm lipo battery charge cable
  • Wires

Step 1: Choose the Shape and Build It

The first step is to choose the shape of the frame.

So you have to cut pieces of metal rods and solder them to form the shape you like.

As you can see in the image you have to build two frames with the same shape but one of them is smaller because we are to going to solder the RGB leds between them

Step 2: Solder the RGB Leds

As you can see in the first image I am using two terminals RGB leds: anode (+) and cathode (-). You have to solder the leds always in the same position.

I have chosen the external frame be the anode and the internal one the cathode as you can see in the second image.

At the end the leds will hold the frames together.

Step 3: Test the Frame

To test the frame you have to connect the frame acting as anode to the positive of a 3V battery and the cathode one to the negative of the battery

Step 4: Connect the Electric Circuit

Because I am using a metal little switch, I have pasted a little piece of isolated tape in one of the frames to avoid the cortocircuit as you can see in the photo.

I have chosen to solder the positive terminal of a female connector to the frame acting as anode directly and the negative one to the switch, and finally to the frame acting as cathode

The lipo battery has a male conector so I have to use a female connector in the frame as you can see in the second photo.

Step 5: Build the Magnetic Foot Frame

In the first photo you can see the battery we have to install inside the wood cylinder. To do that, I have opened two holes. One of them to allow insert the battery and the other hole on one side of the wood cylinder to pass through it the conector to charge the battery. In the second picture you can see the final rersult.

After that we have to open a little hole (2 mm diameter) in the opposite side to insert a square metal rod bent at a right angle. On this metal rod we will solder the frames.

In the last photo you can see the round magnet pasted on the base of the cylinder wood covering the battery hole.

With a 3D printer everything would be more easy and cool.

Step 6: Mount the Magnetic Led Frame and Charge the Lipo Battery

Once you have soldered all the leds and tested the frames (first picture), you have to solder a little piece of metal rod in one of the frames as you can see in the second photo and paste a little piece of isolated tape in the other one to avoid the cortocircuit.

After that you just only to insert the metal rod in the little hole on the foot frame and you have finished the project.

Using a USB JST 2mm cable you can charge the lipo battery as you can see in the last photo.

Step 7: How It Looks

Step 8: Summarizing