Introduction: Make a Rainbow Loom Triple Single
Step 1: Materials
1 loom, I hook, bands and a clip
Step 2: Placing Bands
Place bands with arrow facing away from you. Make sure that the bands are going up the loom and single bands!!!
Step 3: Placing Triangles
Turn loom around and place triangles on three pegs like shown
Step 4: Looping
Go in the triangle and take the bottom band upwards. Repeat, whilst going in every band above the bottom band.
Step 5: Finishing
Place the top 3 bands on a peg, put your hook through, place a band on it and pull it through. Pull the creation off the loom
Step 6: Extension
Put bands on with the arrow facing away from you. Put the triple single on instead of a cap band. Loop the bands with the arrow facing you.
Step 7: Done!!!
Jut clip the project together to finish!!!