Introduction: Make "Cuddles" the Octopus!
Hello! My name is Cuddles! I am soft and adorable and waiting to meet my new mommy! You can make me so quickly and simply by following this easy Instructable!
Step 1: Supplies Needed
17-inch wooden cutting board
1/2 skein of any color yarn
pillow stuffing
rubber bands
plastic eyes (optional)
Step 2: Wind the Yarn
Wind your yarn lengthwise on the cutting board.
Step 3: Cut the Yarn
Cut along the top of the rolled yarn. Grab the top of the yarn in your hand. Tie a rubber band about 2 inches down. Cut a 4-inch piece of yarn. Tie the yarn to cover the rubber band.
Step 4: The Stuffing
Cut or pull off a 3-inch ball of the stuffing. Place inside and under the yarn against the rubber band.
Step 5: Making the Head
Cover the stuffing with the yarn. Use a rubber band to tie under the stuffing forming the head. Cut a 4-inch piece of yarn. Tie it over the rubber band.
Step 6: Cut the Bottom
Cut through the bottom of the yarn. Divide the yarn in half.
Step 7: Dividing the Yarn
Divide each half into 3 equal sections.
Step 8: Braid Each Section
Braid each section forming 6 legs. Tie the bottom of each leg about 2-inches from the end with a rubber band. Cut 6 4-inch pieces of yarn. Tie the yarn pieces over the rubber bands to cover.
Step 9: Add Eyes
Snap the eye pieces together. If you prefer, you can cut felt eyes to use instead of the plastic eyes.
Step 10: Add the Mouth
Cut a thin mouth out of the felt. Glue the eyes and the mouth onto the head.
Step 11: All Finished!
So quickly you have an adorable octopus! Your child will love cuddling with it!!!