Introduction: Make a ESP8266 Dev Board Into a WeMo
Today I will be teaching you how to turn an esp8266 into a WeMo in just a few simple steps!
Step 1: Parts
Well, For this project, the parts are pretty obvious...
ESP8266 Dev Board
Mico USB Cable
SmartHome Device (I used an Amazon Echo)
Bread Board (optional)
Step 2: Code
This is where all the important stuff... Gets really important.
Please download these libraries for the .ino file to work.
NOTE!!!! is the library! is the Arduino project!
Picture =
Step 3: Program the WiFi
1) Locate credentials.h in fauxmoESP.ino
2) Replace the ###'s with your SSID and Password
Note! SSID and Password are CasEseNsiTive!
3) Save fauxmoESP.ino and upload to board
Step 4: Questions? Comments?
I hope that this guide was enough to help set up your new "ESP-Mo" (esp8266-wemo)!
If you have any questions or comments please ask them!