Introduction: Make Your Own Mini-action Figure!

About: A smart 12 year old gal! :D
Probably not as good as the ones in the stores, but, it has full flexibility and it can be fun to make and collect!

Step 1: Supplies

You will need:
a front and back photo of your selected character
PLENTY of little ties used for grocery shopping fruit bags

Step 2: Cut Out Your Character

As the title insists, cut out the front and back of your character!

Step 3: See If They Fit

See if the characters fit in size from front to back. If not, trim a little bit, or find new pictures.

Step 4: Tape the Ties!

Tape the ties in the locations of the photos below, OR just put them where necessary. 

Step 5: Put Them Together

Slide the second  image over the first, and tape them together! Make sure you didn't miss anywhere, or you will regret it with "battles" with your friends! xD

Step 6: You're Finished!

Now you have an awesome action figure, made by you! Enjoy, as this is my 1st 'ible, and make sure to put pictures of your figures, and comments! :D