Introduction: Make Your Own Paper Tiara
Make your own paper tiara. This is very easy and will take you less than 2 minutes.
Step 1: 1 Sheet of Paper
Get one sheet of paper
Step 2: Fold the Paper
Fold the paper hamburger style and keep it folded.
Step 3: Fold Paper Again
Fold the paper again vertically so that the left and bottom sides are creased.
Step 4: Unfold the Paper
Unfold the paper so that it looks just like it did in step 2
Step 5: Unfold Again
Unfold the paper again so that it is the whole sheet but has two lines running through it
Step 6: Fold Two Triangles
Then fold two triangles so that it looks like an arrow on one side.
Step 7: Then Do the Same Thing
Do the same thing on the other side to that it looks like a diamond with space in the middle.
Step 8: Fold the Triangle
Fold the triangle so that in looks like this.
Step 9: Pull Back the Triangle
Take the tip of one triangle and fold it down. Then tape the triangle down
Step 10: Fold Another Time
Fold the flat bottom with the triangle back so it is on the other side of the tiara. Then tape that rectangle and tape it on the back.
Step 11: Rip or Cut
Rip or Cut a strip of paper off another sheet of paper. Measure the strip so it fits your head.
Step 12: Staple Time
Staple one of the corners to the edge of the tiara.
Step 13: Repeart the Process
Repeat the same thing on the other side of the tiara.
Step 14: Your Finished
Finally you have a gorgeous tiara that you can decorate