Introduction: Mason Jar Into a Flower Pot
There is a mason jar that has not been in use in my home for quite some time now. Since it has been out of commission for so long, my parents were intending to sell it at a yard sale for my neighborhood this weekend. Instead, I wanted to be able to keep it and put it to use
Mason Jar
Step 1: Identify the Problem
The Problem I found is that I have a mason jar that has no use and is about to be sold.
Step 2: Brainstorm
I thought I could first put food in the mason jar but it was so old I did not think it would be wise to put food in there. I finally came to the result of planting a plant because some plants in the kitchen had died recently and some type of greenery needed to replace their spots.
Step 3: Plan
I plan to use a plant in my backyard and move it into the mason jar. I need to first add rocks at the bottom on the mason jar to act as drainage, then add the soil and then lastly the plant.
Step 4: Create
I finally put everything together. It took me about 10 minutes altogether to get everything right, but it does look good.
Step 5: Test
To test if it actually works, I'm going to leave the plant out in the sunlight and water it periodically and see how the plant and soil are fair and if the drainage system works.
Step 6: Improve
Everything seemed good after 48 hours but I noticed that it seemed like the rock layer I made was very thin. In addition, I was observing the plant having trouble draining the water to the rocks. I removed the soil and Plant very slowly and carefully and added more rocks to the drainage layer.
Step 7: Final Product
The final product shows the evolution from the beginning idea of putting a mason jar to use to it coming to fruition in front of our eyes. Through trial and error and the engineering design process, I was able to not only extend a plant's life but a mason jar as well.