Introduction: Math Master - De Tafelkampioen - Howest MCT

Math Master

Dutch: De Tafelkampioen

Personally, I am very mathematically inclined and enjoy playing board games. 

I made a game to practice multiplication tables for 2nd grade children. This way, they can learn them in a fun and relaxing way.

Link to all used documents: Github



  • Raspberry Pi 4B
  • SD-card 16GB

  • Button (2x)
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasone distance sensor
  • RFID RC522
  • RFID badge
  • Rotary Encoder
  • DS18B20 temperature sensor
  • Potentiometer

  • Resistors
  • Jumper wires (a lot)
  • Breadboard

Game enclosure

  • MDF 600mm*450mm (2x)


  • Hammer


Step 1: Electronic Circuit Diagram

Making the circuit.

See attachments for a clear image.

First make the circuit and check if the code (see github) works. Then divide the circuits over several breadboards. (This makes it easier to insert into the housing later).

Step 2: Casing

Laser cutting and assembling.

Goes better with the help of a hammer

 This website was used for this purpose. It also includes instructions on how to put it together.

(You can adjust this to your liking)

Holes were added with Adoble illustrator.

Step 3: Database

See github for an export of the database.

Mysql workbench was used.

Database name, username and password must be entered the in file in github.

Make sure this file is added in gitignore.

Step 4: Raspberry Pi Code

Protocols used:

  • SSH
  • OneWire
  • SPI

If necessary, adjust the pin numbering of the components in the code.

Step 5: Website


Figma is a great tool for easily developing a design visually.

Step 6: Design Display

This helps to get an idea of ​​what the result will look like before it is converted into bits and bytes.

Step 7: You Did It!

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