Introduction: Metal Detector
For my Electronics Lab, we were instructed to do a simple final project due at the end of the term. I searched some ideas and decided on doing this metal detector, its simple and cool.
Step 1: Tools and Supplies
Supplies Needed:
- 9V Battery Clip
- ne555
- buzzer
- copper wire
- Two 10 micro-farad capacitors
- 47k Resistor
- Cardboard
- Tape and glue
Tools Needed:
- Wire Strippers
- Pliers
- Box Cutter
Step 2: Making Spool
- Strip the wire from its sheath
- Cut 2 equal size circles from cardboard
- Spool the wire and tape it, make sure to leave about 4 inches of wire from both ends to plug into your circuit
- Tape spool onto one carboard circle
- Place other circle on top
Step 3: Making Handle
- Cut out two identical peices of cardboard like so
- Size doesnt necessarily matter, more so preference
- Once having two peices cut out, glue together.
Note, depending on thickness of cardboard, more than two peices may be needed.