Introduction: Mini Collapsible Buzz Wire Game
Buzz wire is a steady hand game that is well known to many as a table top amusement. Buzz wire is a challenging and competitive game where you are playing the number of touches against time. The player has to get the right balance between speed and skill in order to obtain the a successful score.
- thick conductive wire(soldering wire)
- 9v battery (charged)
- 9v battery(discharged)/9v battery jack
- thin hollow tube whose inner diameter is bigger than the wire used (Q-tip)
- led light/buzzer or both
- electrical wire
- tape
- switch (optional)
- paper
- cardboard
- scissors
- pliers
- printer
- exacto knife/blade
- glue
- hot glue gun
- ruler
Step 1: Printing
print the given template on a sheet of paper, cut the black part and the dotted outline
Step 2: Base
after cutting the template use the second part to trace on a cardboard sheet and cut it, cover with paper with color of your choosing, using the first template trace the part for the hinge on the cardboard piece
Step 3: Hinge
Take the Q-tip and cut it into a 0.5-0.7 cm piece, thread the soldering wire through the inner part of the Q tip and loop it around (see reference picture)
Step 4: Loop
using the template mold the soldering wire according to the loop given in the template, add the hinges to both ends, cover the legs with electrical tape and add a wire to one end of the loop, you can also change the loop design
Step 5: Handel
take the soldering wire and make a small circular loop and connect the other end of the soldering wire to a wire and cover the handle with electrical tape
Step 6: Leds and the Battery Connector
using pliers remove the connecter part of a discharged battery or use a battery connecter. wire 3 LEDs one after the other making sure to connect positive to negative or use a buzzer
Step 7: Wiring
connect one end of the loop to a wire that connects to the led/buzzer then optionally add a switch between the led and the battery, then the battery connects to the Handel
Step 8: Final Step
paste all the components on the cardboard piece according to the template make sure to only glue the plastic part of the loop and not the wire, if the hinge is loose after attaching it to the cardboard crimp the Q tip, connect the battery, and its done