Introduction: Mini Speakers!~

About: hey Im really 10 I make rockets that go over 1000 feet, pull ring smoke bombs,bombs ect Im postig alot of stuff you will love it all! I love famliy guy stewie well take over the world one day!!
Finaly, 3 weeks and I got it! Mini speakers! very cheap and made out of school supplies. These are great for youngsters... (5-14)
I call these "Foofie speakers" because i was bored in class in 3rd grade and i made up Mr.Foofie!~ You well see him later in this instrutable.

Also Mr.Foofie has a rare case of skin desease
so, comment and help Mr.Foofie stay alive! He would...
accept that.

Step 1: Supplies

supplies and where to get:

Zephyrhills water cups (Any foam cup will work)---FREE! (10 cents)
Ipod speakers---10$-50$
ipod of anykind or mp3--- 25$-200$
tissue paper---Free! (Get it at school)

Step 2: Cut Cut!

Cut the tip of the cup off... ( if useing foam cup use a knife and drill a whole in the top ) Make it fit perfect.

This may take time. (1min-5mins... Lot of time!~)

Step 3: ½ Done!

Now, slip in a headphone to one of the cups. Hang it on the edge and get you tessue paper and stuff it in the top of the cup so it holds the headphone in place. Next move the headphone around to point it where you want to. Once you did that only 1 more step to go!~ Also... repeat this step

Note: This will NOT ruin your headphones. Mine are mest up because i tried many other methodsand this one dosen't ruin it!

Step 4: BAM!~

congratz!~ you have finished your first Mini speakers! please comment and give me any suggestions, or if you would like to help Foofie out with you instructables.