Introduction: Small Survival Box

About: Hello! I live in Kansas City and I love cats,owls,adventure,forests and much, much more!

Hello! This is my first project! I made this because well, as the boy scouts say, ''Always be prepared.'' Plus it's fun! I hope you enjoy making it!


  • Matchbox for containing all the stuff and for lighting up matches
  • Foil for signals and grabbing water
  • Sticky notes for writing
  • Short pencil also for writing
  • Razor blade for cutting
  • Safety pin for fishing hook or to put together ripped clothes
  • String for traps and fishing
  • Mini wrench (if you have one) for in case you need it.
  • and of course matches for fire!

(By the way, you should also put a mini compass. It's not on list though because I don't have one so small.)

Step 1: Get the Supplies

Grab the things on the list! If you have a pencil that is not short, just sharpen it until it is!

Step 2: Put It Together

Now grab a matchbox and fit them in and after, if you have the wrench, fit it between the cover and the back of the box just like in the first photo.

Step 3: There Is No More Steps! You Are Done!

That's all folks! Now you are prepared! If you liked it or you want to say something, go ahead!