Introduction: Mini Terrariums

About: Hey Y'all

these make great gifts, look good on desk or shelf at work.

Step 1: Get Items You Need

You will need

  • Gravel, pebbles, or marbles, or something to go in as a drainage system for the plant roots.
  • Sand
  • Charcoal
  • Soil / Potting Mix, or "cactus soil if doing cacti."
  • Jars

Step 2: Pick Jar or Container

Jars, Mason jars, green tea jars, christmas ornaments

You can use most any open or closed glass containers

Step 3: Drainage System for the Plant Roots.

you need a drainage system for the plant roots, you can use glass, marbles, pebbles, i also add sand.

Step 4: Add Dirt Then Plants And/or Moss

Add dirt then add some plants and/or moss.

Just moss can take over a year to grow!

these make great gifts, look good on desk or shelf at work.

Step 5: Some of the Finished Ones

some of the finished ones