Introduction: Miniature Ice-cream Cone With Tinkercad
Using Tinkercad I created an Ice-cream cone out of various shapes, this Ice-cream cone can be 3D Printed to be a size smaller than an apple.
The shapes that I used in Tinkercad to create the icecream cone were:
Cone shape (beige)
2 Small spheres (red)
2 Medium Spheres (pink and beige)
Torus Shape (brown)
2 small thin rectangles (green)
Step 1: Cone
I started off with a beige cone shape the size of 11x11
Step 2: Icecream Scoop #1
I then elevated and placed a pink sphere sized 11x11, above and slightly within the cone.
Step 3: Icecream Scoop #2
With the 2nd scoop of ice cream, I used a brown torus shape sized 10x10, I elevated it above the 1st scoop.
Step 4: Icrecream Scoop #3
For the 3rd and last ice cream scoop, I used a beige sphere sized 9x9 and elevated it above the 2nd scoop.
Step 5: Cherries
Once I placed all the Ice cream scoops, I elevate 2 small spheres above the ice cream, sized 2x2.
Step 6: Stem #1
After placing the cherries, I added a green 1.6 x 0.10 thin rectangle and placed it above the right cherry slanted to imitate a cherry stem.
Step 7: Stem #2
After I placed the first stem, I added a 2nd stem sized 1.5 x 0.10 and placed it below the first stem slanted.
Step 8: Finishing Result
The Ice cream cone is now complete, and this is how I created it.