Introduction: Minty Guitar Amp That Goes to Eleventy
Annyong! Bob Loblaw bought a Minty Amp kit and made a nice little guitar amp as a Christmas gift way back in ought-seven. Bob thinks he got the idea from a link on Boing Boing or Gizmodo. The kit was easy to assemble, and actually sounded pretty good. Although the kit is made to fit in an Altoids tin, Bob doesn't like to think in boxes. The kit includes a tiny circuit board that seems best powered by a 9V battery. Since building the first amp, Bob took up the sport of welding, and was looking for projects that required a welder. Since everyone knows you need a welder to create a guitar amp, Bob purchased another Minty Amp kit, for a total of about $14. Now, Bob Loblaw has a bit of the obsessive compulsive disorder, so what started as a simple idea turned into several late nights of cutting, grinding, welding, painting, drilling, and soldering. The amp housing was constructed entirely from scrap materials. The materials include a garden plant-growing thingy, some slingshot balls, a section of curtain rod, and some other scrap metal. All this work really took a toll on Bob's Call of Duty 4 stats. When the metal shavings final settled in Bob's workshop, the final product turned out pretty well. The really stupid thing is that Bob doesn't even play guitar. Anyone wanna buy an amp? Will consider trades for enormous quantities of the new for ought-seven Girl Scout Lemon Chalet Creme cookies.
PS: Bob Loblaw is first and foremost an independent agent and is not in any way affiliated with Minty Amps, but the guy has been very helpful and always responds to Bob's questions promptly, so Bob certainly recommends him for anyone looking to build their own amp.
PPS: Bob Loblaw has a super-secret invention that will be dropping soon. Prepare yourself.
PS: Bob Loblaw is first and foremost an independent agent and is not in any way affiliated with Minty Amps, but the guy has been very helpful and always responds to Bob's questions promptly, so Bob certainly recommends him for anyone looking to build their own amp.
PPS: Bob Loblaw has a super-secret invention that will be dropping soon. Prepare yourself.