Introduction: Money Game .bat
- Create a new text document.
- Save it as ".bat" or ".cmd".
- Copy and paste the code below in to the file.
@echo off
color 2f mode con cols=100 mode con lines=40 title Money game md "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog" goto firstop:firstop title Money game color 2f cls echo 1)New game echo 2)Load game set /p a=Choose an option: if %a%==1 goto start if %a%==2 goto load if %a%==''goto firstop if %a%==' 'goto firstop goto firstop
:start cls set /p name=Name: set smart=0 set money=0 set job=5 set jname=Employee set pet=0 goto cop
:cop set smart=%smart% if %smart% geq 4 ( set job=10 set jname=Manager ) if %smart% geq 8 ( set job=15 set jname=Mall owner ) if %smart% geq 12 ( set job=20 set jname=Mall company owner ) if %smart% geq 16 ( set job=35 set jname=App coder ) if %smart% geq 20 ( set job=44 set jname=Game designer ) if %smart% geq 24 ( set job=50 set jname=Game company owner ) if %smart% geq 28 ( set job=120 set jname=Google owner ) if %smart% geq 32 ( set job=257 set jname=Super sidekick ) if %smart% geq 36 ( set job=444 set jname=Super Hero ) if %smart% geq 37 ( set job=0 set jname=Hobo ) color 2f title City cls echo 1) Work echo 2) Stats echo 3) Save game echo 4) School echo 5) Pet store set /p cop=Choose an option: if %cop%==1 goto work if %cop%==2 goto home if %cop%==3 goto save if %cop%==4 goto school if %cop%==5 goto store goto cop
:work title Work color 70 cls echo Working... timeout /t 7 /nobreak>nul set /a money+=%job% color 7a cls echo Done! timeout /t 1 /nobreak>nul goto cop
:home color 97 title Stats cls echo _________________________ echo Name {%name%} echo _________________________ echo Money {%money%} echo _________________________ echo Job {%jname%} echo _________________________ echo Smartness {%smart%} echo _________________________ echo Pet {%pet%} echo _________________________ pause goto cop
:school set /a time2=%smart% + %job% title School color 70 cls echo Learning... echo Wait for %time2% sec timeout /t %time2% /nobreak>nul set /a smart+=1 if %smart% geq 3 ( set job=10 set jname=Manager goto pro ) if %smart%==7 ( set job=15 set jname=Mall owner goto pro ) if %smart%==11 ( set job=20 set jname=Mall company owner goto pro ) if %smart%==18 ( set job=35 set jname=App coder goto pro ) if %smart%==24 ( set job=44 set jname=Game designer goto pro ) if %smart%==29 ( set job=50 set jname=Game company owner goto pro ) if %smart%==44 ( set job=120 set jname=Google owner goto pro ) if %smart%==50 ( set job=257 set jname=Super sidekick goto pro ) if %smart%==67 ( set job=444 set jname=Super Hero goto pro ) if %smart%==68 ( set job=0 set jname=Hobo goto pro ) if %smart% lss 3 goto cop
:pro color 2b cls echo You have been promoted! echo %jname% timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul goto cop
:save set name=%name% title Save color 0f @echo echo off > "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%name%.cmd" @echo set money=%money% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%name%.cmd" @echo set name=%name% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%name%.cmd" @echo set job=%job% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%name%.cmd" @echo set jname=%jname% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%name%.cmd" @echo set smart=%smart% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%name%.cmd" @echo set pet=%pet% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%name%.cmd" cls echo ___________ echo Saving... echo ___________ timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul goto cop
:load title Load game color 0f cls echo What was your username before? set /p lname=Name: if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%lname%.cmd" ( call "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%lname%.cmd" color 0b cls echo Welcome back, %lname%. timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul goto cop ) if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Moneylog\%lname%.cmd" ( color 0c cls echo The username %lname% was not found timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul goto firstop )
:store color 5a title Pet store cls echo L-Leave echo. echo 1)Dog 100 echo 2)Cat 100 echo 3)Horse 200 echo 4)Dolphin 200 echo 5)Bunny 200 echo 6)Sea horse 300 echo 7)Baby Olaf 500 echo 8)Dragon 400 echo 9)Marshmillow the giant snow golem 600 echo 10)Rocky the rock 1000 set /p pop=Choose a pet: if %pop%==L goto cop if %pop%==l goto cop if %pop%==1 goto dog if %pop%==2 goto cat if %pop%==3 goto horse if %pop%==4 goto dolphin if %pop%==5 goto bunny if %pop%==6 goto seahorse if %pop%==7 goto olaf if %pop%==8 goto dragon if %pop%==9 goto golem if %pop%==10 goto rock if %pop%=='' goto store if %pop%==' ' goto store goto store
:dog if %money% lss 100 goto nomoney if %money% geq 100 ( set /a money-=100 set pet=Dog goto cop ) :cat if %money% lss 100 goto nomoney if %money% geq 100 ( set /a money-=100 set pet=Cat goto cop ) :horse if %money% lss 200 goto nomoney if %money% geq 200 ( set /a money-=200 set pet=Horse goto cop ) :dolphin if %money% lss 200 goto nomoney if %money% geq 200 ( set /a money-=200 set pet=Dolphin goto cop ) :bunny if %money% lss 200 goto nomoney if %money% geq 200 ( set /a money-=200 set pet= goto cop ) :seahorse if %money% lss 300 goto nomoney if %money% geq 300 ( set /a money-=300 set pet=Sea horse goto cop ) :dragon if %money% lss 400 goto nomoney if %money% geq 400 ( set /a money-=400 set pet=Dragon goto cop ) :olaf if %money% lss 500 goto nomoney if %money% geq 500 ( set /a money-=500 set pet=Baby olaf goto cop ) :golem if %money% lss 600 goto nomoney if %money% geq 600 ( set /a money-=600 set pet=Marshmillow goto cop ) :rock if %money% lss 1000 goto nomoney if %money% geq 1000 ( set /a money-=1000 set pet=R0ckY goto cop )
:nomoney color 9c title Not enough money cls echo Not enough money timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul goto store