Introduction: My Party-In-A-Box. a Real DIY From Things You Have.
This instructablesis dedicated to all DIY lovers as a source of inspiration so you could take ideas and do things from stuff you have in your home.
Before I show you the project let me introduce my self.
I'm 12th grade student in high school in israel. in school I extends Physics and robotics (yes I have such class in school). My free time I usually spend on scouts. As a teenager I tries to spend as less money as possible. However, I always wanted a portable music speakers. That's what inspired my to do this project of party-in-a-box. I started 2 years ago with simple music-to-led effect with tip31 and it ends with this.
I didn't managed to take photos during the process but i'll tell you each step what and how I did it with the photos of how it looks right now.
*I'm sorry about my bad English I'm not a native English speaker
Well as you can see I simply took old LG speakers and bought amplifier and rechargeable battery from the internet. But it took me a lot of time to think of that and to build it up to this, almost finished, boom box.
Before I show you the project let me introduce my self.
I'm 12th grade student in high school in israel. in school I extends Physics and robotics (yes I have such class in school). My free time I usually spend on scouts. As a teenager I tries to spend as less money as possible. However, I always wanted a portable music speakers. That's what inspired my to do this project of party-in-a-box. I started 2 years ago with simple music-to-led effect with tip31 and it ends with this.
I didn't managed to take photos during the process but i'll tell you each step what and how I did it with the photos of how it looks right now.
*I'm sorry about my bad English I'm not a native English speaker
Well as you can see I simply took old LG speakers and bought amplifier and rechargeable battery from the internet. But it took me a lot of time to think of that and to build it up to this, almost finished, boom box.
Step 1: The Base
I'll start from the beginning, where I only had those speakers after I did a little search at my father's warehouse. Some googling and searching in Ebay and i found a great, cheap amp with 2x40W and a nice 12V 10A battery (which seems to be 4Ah... china...)
:the amp link I don't remmember but i think i took the battery from here
:the amp link I don't remmember but i think i took the battery from here
Step 2: Additions
Except for the base stuff (speakers, amp and battery) I wanted to do it really cool. I add leds to the system.
At first I made a nice 5mm leds on PCB in green, blue, red and yellow color each. I soldered them in shapes of play, pause, ff..
But they were ruined quickly. the solders wasn't good enough and I didn't had time or willing to fix them.
Anyway... I don't have a photo of them to show you but maybe i'll add them later.
the time passes and after a year of usage almost I added the RGB.
after a lot of thinking I wanted that each color will be activated from something else. I thought about diffrent frequencys (HI, MID, LOW), maybe by volume (when it high all are on and on low volume only one, or even when high only blue, and when it low only red, etc.).
I saw this instructable
and orderd the parts from tayda (awsome web I love it!).
meanwhile I did some nice code with arduino (what you seen on the video is the arduino code).
int in= A0;
int sen=A2;
int R= 11;
int G= 10;
int B= 9;
int s= 0;
int mu= 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(in, INPUT);
pinMode(sen, INPUT);
pinMode(R, OUTPUT);
pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(G, OUTPUT);
void loop () {
mu =analogRead(in);
Serial.print("in ");
Serial.print(" sen ");
if (0 analogWrite(R, mu*4);
digitalWrite(R, LOW);
if (s analogWrite(G, mu*3);
if (mu>1.5*s) {
analogWrite(B, mu*2);
The pot. in the front of the box is for the sensitivity of the music and I modified the cable so the arduino will connect to the music in the phone volume and not to the amplifier volume
In addition, I added a computer fan in the back of the box so the amp won't overheat.
Now, after a year of usage I didn't want that the leds will be activated straight from the rechargeable battery, which is week by itself, so I put a 9V+ 2X1.5V batteries so it will save power for the music. The fan is straight connected to the rechargeable battery since it in the same use of the amp. I need to use it when the amp is working and dont need to use it when the amp isn't working.
The 12.3 number youv'e seen in the front is a voltmetr. it mashures the voltage of the battery all the time so I could see when it runs out.
At first I made a nice 5mm leds on PCB in green, blue, red and yellow color each. I soldered them in shapes of play, pause, ff..
But they were ruined quickly. the solders wasn't good enough and I didn't had time or willing to fix them.
Anyway... I don't have a photo of them to show you but maybe i'll add them later.
the time passes and after a year of usage almost I added the RGB.
after a lot of thinking I wanted that each color will be activated from something else. I thought about diffrent frequencys (HI, MID, LOW), maybe by volume (when it high all are on and on low volume only one, or even when high only blue, and when it low only red, etc.).
I saw this instructable
and orderd the parts from tayda (awsome web I love it!).
meanwhile I did some nice code with arduino (what you seen on the video is the arduino code).
int in= A0;
int sen=A2;
int R= 11;
int G= 10;
int B= 9;
int s= 0;
int mu= 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(in, INPUT);
pinMode(sen, INPUT);
pinMode(R, OUTPUT);
pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(G, OUTPUT);
void loop () {
mu =analogRead(in);
Serial.print("in ");
Serial.print(" sen ");
if (0 analogWrite(R, mu*4);
digitalWrite(R, LOW);
if (s analogWrite(G, mu*3);
if (mu>1.5*s) {
analogWrite(B, mu*2);
The pot. in the front of the box is for the sensitivity of the music and I modified the cable so the arduino will connect to the music in the phone volume and not to the amplifier volume
In addition, I added a computer fan in the back of the box so the amp won't overheat.
Now, after a year of usage I didn't want that the leds will be activated straight from the rechargeable battery, which is week by itself, so I put a 9V+ 2X1.5V batteries so it will save power for the music. The fan is straight connected to the rechargeable battery since it in the same use of the amp. I need to use it when the amp is working and dont need to use it when the amp isn't working.
The 12.3 number youv'e seen in the front is a voltmetr. it mashures the voltage of the battery all the time so I could see when it runs out.
Step 3: Assembling
Now we are starting the real DIY. The kind of do it yourself from things you have in your home, a real homemade.
Craftsmen be aware! you will see a lot of hot glue, insulating tape, and a little surprise ;)
as you can see in the photos, I used a lot of hot glue since i didn't have screws in my house.
the speaker's net is from a special origami sheet that I don't know what it is made of, but it seems to be the same material as the mosquito net's material.
the rest of the things you can understand... I drilled, cut, and optimized to my needs
Craftsmen be aware! you will see a lot of hot glue, insulating tape, and a little surprise ;)
as you can see in the photos, I used a lot of hot glue since i didn't have screws in my house.
the speaker's net is from a special origami sheet that I don't know what it is made of, but it seems to be the same material as the mosquito net's material.
the rest of the things you can understand... I drilled, cut, and optimized to my needs
Step 4: End
I want to thank google translate who brought me so far, and I want to thank you instructables for inspiring me.
maybe one day this project will inspire someone else...
If you have questions, I'll love to answer
maybe one day this project will inspire someone else...
If you have questions, I'll love to answer