Introduction: My " T35 " - Instructions

About: I ' m 12 and I French . I create crazy but small K'nex guns or something in K'nex ... I love Zelda on Wii or other warfare games . My best Kn'ex gun are : FFRS 001 ( Sligshot Sniper ) , V.G.N 013 ( Automatic A…
Hi !

This is the instructions of my " T35 " .
It' s a small gun but it' s very powerful ...
It' s very simple to make and it' s very for start on K' nex guns !

- Guiguivinvin -

Step 1: Parts List

Rods :

7 blue 
3 green
3 yellow

Connectors :

5 light grey
2 green
2 dark grey
4 orange

Others :

2 black connectors ( for " K'nex men )
1 green-blue removable connectors ( or black-blue )
3 or 4 rubberbands 

Step 2: Tha Handle

1. Take these pieces
2. Make that
3. Make that
4. Put the light grey connectors on the blue rods
5. You have that

Step 3: The Barrel

1. Thake these pieces and make that
2. Make that
3. Assemble

Step 4: The Trigger

1. Get these pieces and a blue spacers with a green rods 
2. Make that
3. Make that
4. Check that

Step 5: Assembly

1. Attach the trigger with the blue rod on the handle like that on the picture .
2. Check that with the picture 2 .
3. Attach the barrel on the handle like that .
4. Check that with the picture 4 .
5. You have that .

Step 6: Rubberbands , Loadind and Firing

1. Make that and get 3 rubberbands
2. Put the yellow rod on the barrel like that on the picture
3 , 4 , 5 , 6  Put rubberbands and check with these picture .

Loading :

Pull the orange connector and push the green - blue or black-blue connectors . ( Like that on the picture 7 )

Firing :

Pull the trigger , of course !