Introduction: NU-ROBOT - Deliver Medicines and Masks to the Rooms.
this is my hospital that a robot send medicine in each room with two floors.
You can find the 3D design here
Step 1: First Room of Hospital
this is my first room of the hospital made by a box and box holes to cut
Step 2: Inside the Room
this is the inside of all the room with a bed a chair to sit on and a drop box to drop medicines
Step 3: First Floor of the Hospital
this is the first floor with all the same room. I had to copy and paste all of the rooms. there were max 7 rooms.
Step 4: Adding a Elevator
adding a elevator so the robot go to the second floor. what I did was make a box a turned the color gray
Step 5: Adding the Second Floor
this is the first floor with the second floor. I copied and pasted the first floor and put it on top of the first floor.
Step 6: Layer of Hospital With Two Floors
I added a layer for both the floors so the robot can send medicines on the second floor
Step 7: Making the Medi Robot
this is the medi robot that will take medicines in to all the rooms in the hospital
Step 8: Boxes With Medicines
these are the boxes with medicines that the robot will place in the rooms