Introduction: Nerf Gun Mod for the Nerf Utility Gun!

About: I absolutly love airplanes and just about anything with an airfoil. I own 6 Chickens and love inventing and building stuff.
A mod for a very beat up/ old/ missing rocket nerf utility gun! This mod will make it shoot flower or baking soada, you can use this for:
cool effects for plays or vidios
dramatic effect for shooting somone
or if you just like to be dramatic, everytime you walk around a corner shoot it and walk through the dust!

Step 1:

For this mod you need:
a nerf utility gun
frower of baking soda
a pvc pipe (optionel)
and a rubberband (optinal too)

Step 2:

So now put the rubberband on the pvc pipe and connect onto the gun! Like in the pictures (this step just makes it look cool and is optional) Then take the big orange thing off.

Step 3:

Fill the orange thing with flower PUMP UP THE GUN BEFORE YOU PUT THE ORANGE THING BACK ON..

Step 4:

Now GO OUTSITE TO SHOOT IT (unless you want to cleat it all up!) here is a video of the finished product.