Introduction: New Magical Juice for Weight Loss - Forget About Belly Fat Now!!

ALOE VERA JUICE WITH LEMON RECIPE - Best for getting rid of Belly fat and weight loss

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serves: 1 cup


Aloe Vera leaf - 1, fresh,washed clean Honey - 1 tbsp Lemon Juice - 2 tbsp Water or Chilled Water - 1 cup

Nutrients Found in Aloe Vera:

Protein – The building blocks muscles, skin, and blood. Calcium – Helps the body grow new bone and maintains bone strength. Magnesium – Keeps blood pressure stabilized and steadies the heart. Zinc – Stimulates the activity of enzymes. Vitamin A – Promotes vision health. Vitamin E – An antioxidant that is also required for many of the body’s functions. Vitamin C – Maintains blood vessels, promotes proper circulation and is essential for adrenal gland function. Enzymes – Support every living function in the body, and are found in raw foods. Amino Acids – The building-blocks for protein in the body. Geranium – A therapeutic mineral that assists the cardiac and circulatory systems.

Cut one aloe vera leaf and wash well. Cut the sides of the leaf. Cut through in the centre and scoop through the aloe vera gel. Put the aloe vera in strainer and run through running water for few minutes or nearly 5-10 times till the aloe vera latex is removed and the aloe vera is not sticky as it was initially while taking out (The yellow colour is latex which is unsafe to consume). Blend well the aloe vera along with sugar, lemon juice and water. Consume immediately after chilling for 30 minutes.


Fresh aloe vera is best. Make sure the yellow extract is completely removed. To ensure, once the yellow latex is removed the aloe is not sticky. You can also consume fresh aloe vera without juicing. Use chilled water so you can consume immediately.


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