Introduction: New Technical Blog

About: Mitu Raj -- Just a Hobbyst and Learner -- Chip Designer -- Software Developer -- Physics and Mathematics Enthusiast

Hi all!

This is to inform you guys that I have launched my new websiteChipmunk Logic. From now on, I will be writing my technical blogs there. I started blogging here in instructables back in 2016. Since then, the support and response I have received from you guys have been amazing and kept me going. I hope you all will continue doing the same and follow me in Chipmunk Logic to access every open-source free codes and blogs. It is sad to let go of instructables, but I hope to move on with the support of you guys.


Step 1: Latest Blog Post

Resets are critical in your design! De-mystify resets and understand how to design a Reset Controller in RTL from scratch. Open-source IP core for free download and use in your designs.