Introduction: Old Dirt Bike Seat to Brand New Dirt Bike Seat

Where I live a lot of people ride dirt bikes and everybody wants there bike look to good and one way to do that is to have a nice looking seat to go on their dirt bike. I made this because my bike needed a nice looking seat and i wanted it to look good.


  • Staples
  • Staple gun
  • A flat head screw driver
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Seat pan
  • Seat cover
  • Seat cushion

Step 1: Putting the Seat Cover Over the Seat Pan and Seat Cushion

The first step you have to put the seat pan and seat together and then put the seat cover over it so you can have your base of the seat and get a good lay out of how you are going to put the staples in the seat.

Step 2: Putting the Staples in the Bottom So the Seat Cover Can Stay and Be Tight

After you get the base of the seat you have to level the seat cover and put staples in the bottom of the seat so the seat cover can stay.

Step 3: Make Sure You Have It Tight

When you are stapling make sure you have it leveled out and even so it wont look cricked and make sure you pull it down so you wont have a lot of wrinkles

Step 4: The Finishing Touches

When you are done make sure you look at it and make sure it is even so it can look good and not have no wrinkles in it or anything. One way to get the wrinkles out sit the seat out in the sun so it the heat can press down on it and shrinks the leather of it makes it fit good