Introduction: Only 3 Steps - PAVER POT PLANTER

About: Hobbyist DIYer down in Australia

A Huge wave hello from down here in Aussie (Australia). I thought I'd try my hand at giving the old concrete adhesive a whirl !

Sometimes I wonder around at the landscaping stores and admire the lovely pots and plants and dream of beautifying my little backyard. But look at the price tag and pick up my jaw from off the floor. Why not create your own unique planter pots with tiles/ pavers, save money whilst your at it and have fun.


  • 5 Pavers square in shape
  • Concrete adhesive

Optional : clamps and glue gun

Step 1:

Set up the pot so you can see what the finish production will look like before placing adhesive. Run a thin line of adhesive along the edges and press pavers together. Allow to dry for a period of time. About 24hours or more

Step 2:

Once the sides have been set, glue the bottom piece and then allow to dry for a period of time. 24 hours or more

Step 3:

Once allowed to dry, clean any excess adhesive by sanding. And put your favourite plant inside!! Save money, recycle and look like a pro with a little adhesive 😊