Introduction: Oreo Fudge Brownies
Ingredients- brownie mix, 2 eggs, water, vegtable oil, oreos, and chocolate chip cookie dough.
enjoy :)
Step 1:
Pre-Heat oven to 350 degrees Ferinheight for metal or glass pan but if you are gonna use a dark or coated pan Pre-Heat oven on 325 degrees ferinheight.
Step 2:
Spray a 13 x 9 inch pan with non-stick spray.
Step 3:
Place chocolate chip cookie dough at the bottom of the pan.
Step 4:
Place oreos on top of the cookie dough.
Step 5:
Combine brownie mix, eggs, water, and oil in a large boil and then whip or stir until well blended.
Step 6:
Pour brownie mix on top of the cookie dough and oreos.
Step 7:
Place pan in oven.
Step 8:
Set your timer for 22 minutes or until you think it's right for you.
Step 9:
Take your pan out of the oven and let it cool for 5 minutes.
Step 10:
Cut a peice and enjoy!