Introduction: Origami Bat-Winged Heart
For this, I used a single sheet of paper that was purple on one side and white on the other (I didn't have red paper left).
Step 1: Materials
You will need a sheet of paper and a slight bit of origami skill. The paper can be colored on both sides, or it can be white on one side and colored on the other.
Step 2: Fold in Half
The first thing you do is start with the colored side up and fold it in half diagonally.
Step 3: First the Right...
The next thing you will do is fold the left corner up to the top.
Step 4: ...Then the Left
Now, fold the left corner up to the top.
Step 5: Flip
Flip the paper over so you see a solid white (or colored) square.
Step 6: Fold Down
Fold the top corner down to the bottom corner.
Step 7: Left to Right
Fold the left corner over to right corner...ONLY CREASE THE TOP HALF!
Step 8: Top Down
Unfold the last step, then fold the top corner down...again.
Step 9: Left Edge Up
Fold the left edge of the paper up until it reaches the center. Make sure it also lines up to the right edge of the paper.
Step 10: Right Edge Up
Fold the right edge up to the center. Make sure it lines up with the left edge.
Step 11: Unfold
Unfold the right side and bring the bottom corner back up to the top.
Step 12: Darkened Lines
This step is not a necessity. From here on I darkened all the lines so that you could see them better because you will need some of them as reference.
Step 13: Halfway Down
Fold the top corner to the center. ONLY CREASE THE LEFT SIDE!
Step 14: Unfold
Unfold the last step.
Step 15: Left and Right In
Fold the left and right corners in to the line that touches the horizontal line.
Step 16: Unfold
Unfold the two corners.
Step 17: Inside Reverse Fold: Step 1
Open up the right side of the paper to look like the picture.
Step 18: Inside Reverse Fold: Step 2
Poke in the little triangle made from the earlier crease.
Step 19: Inside Reverse Fold: Step 3
Close up the paper with the triangle inside it. Inside Reverse Fold done!
Step 20: Repeat on Other Side
Make an inside reverse fold on the other side. (Sorry about the pictures, I couldn't get them to upload in the correct order)
Step 21: Unfold
Unfold the inside reverse folds.
Step 22: Fold From Triangle to Bottom
Make a fold from the left side of the little triangle to the bottom middle of the paper.
Step 23: Fold From the Little Triangle to Center
Fold the tip of the big triangle to the center line. Make sure the fold is also on the edge of the little triangle.
Step 24: Fold Onto Previous Crease
Fold so that the left side of the triangle lines up with the crease from the last step.
Step 25: Repeat on Other Side
Repeat these folds on the other side. Again, sorry for the backwards photos.
Step 26: Re-fold the Crease
Re-fold the left most crease on the left side.
Step 27: Fold Back
Fold the paper back so that the right side lines up with the left side.
Step 28: Re-fold Again
Re-fold the next crease on the left hand side.
Step 29: Fold Back Again
Fold the paper back again so the right side lines up with the left.
Step 30: Final Re-fold
Re-fold the last existing crease for the left hand side.
Step 31: Final Fold Back
Fold back one last time for left side. Make sure the right side lines up with the left side.
Step 32: Repeat on Other Side
Repeat all the folds on the other side. Yet again, sorry for the backwards photos.
Step 33: Fold Left and Right Back
Fold the left and right sides behind the model.
Step 34: Inside Reverse Fold Left
Inside reverse fold the left side. Ugh...backwards pictures.
Step 35: Inside Reverse Fold Right
Inside reverse fold the right side. Someone needs to fix the pictures going in reverse order.
Step 36: Top Down...again
Fold the top corner down to the botton...for the final time
Step 37: Weird Fold - Prep
To do the next fold, you will need to fold on the 2 darkened lines.
Step 38: Fold on Both of the Lines
Fold the darkened lines to make a popped up triangle. This also shapes the 2 bumps on the top of the heart.
Step 39: Triangle to the Left
Fold the little triangle to the left, as shown in the picture.
Step 40: Little Triangle Behind
Fold the little triangle behind the fold, then shape the 2 humps on top of the heart.
Step 41: Inside Reverse Folds
Flip the heart over and extend the wings. Then, inside reverse fold all of the dips. If you need help refer to the backwards order pictures.
Step 42: Repeat on Opposite Side
Make all the same folds on the opposite side. And, yup you guessed it, sorry for the backwards order photos.
Step 43: Almost Done!
You are almost done! Just 2 more things.
Step 44: Fold the Tip
Fold the tip of the wing down and then bring it back up to give it the correct shape.
Step 45: Repeat
For the final time, repeat on the other side.
Step 46: Conclusion
Your done! Good job. Send me a picture of your creation to my email ( Also, leave a comment regarding what you thought!
Step 47: Bonus
For a bonus inside reverse fold the wing bottoms again. This adds a little bit of flare to the wings. And if you want to...check out my youtube channel. Here's the link.