Introduction: Origami Dragon Pet

About: I am a lego and crafts enthusiast who is a major nerd. Yep. That's it.

Admittedly, this is not entirely my own design. I based this off of a parrot design I found a while ago on Youtube.

I saw and made that design, and thought it would be cool to modify it to be a dragon. So I did.

I call it a "pet" dragon because it is about the size of a lizard and can stand on your fingers :D (a bit hard to do with this one; it's kinda small :'|)

Note: The main reason I'm not giving credit to the "original" design is I'm not entirely sure whose it is; it is literally everywhere done by many people.


1 square sheet of paper

Step 1: The Base

Start with a square base (if you don't know how, look at the "how to make crane base", and follow it until it looks like it does in the image).

Fold HALF of it into the crane base as shown. DO NOT REPEAT ON THE OTHER SIDE.

Flip it over and squash the two pockets, as shown.

Step 2: Starting the Actual Detail

Petal fold the interior of one of the flattened pockets as shown. Reverse fold it as shown (this is the start of the legs), and then narrow it down, once again as shown. Repeat on the other flattened pocket.

Step 3: Shaping the Body

Fold the flaps as shown to expose the legs. Fold the two "halves" of the project as shown to form two separate shapes: the top, large shape and the narrower body.

Narrow down the top section as shown, then fold in half AROUND the body, not above it, as shown.

Step 4: The Wingz

Starting at the triangle's tip (on the outer flaps), fold a zigzag shape in an arc, as shown. This forms the dragonesque wings.

Stretch the wings outward, creasing them at the point where they meet the body.

Step 5: The Head

Reverse fold as shown (different placements result in differently sized heads). Take the fold and reverse that fold, forming a sort of joint, as shown. Pull some more paper out of the joint area to extend the head backwards slightly (use the image for clarification).

Step 6: Finishing It Up

Fold the neck in around the back of the head as shown to slim it down a bit. Fold the face in and make small folds to make the head rounder if desired or needed.

Reverse fold the legs to make the feet as shown, curve the tail to give it shape and hold things in place, and you're done!